Our adventure started when we realised that never before had we washed our hands as frequently as over the past year. I wanted washing our hands to be a pleasure rather than an obligation.
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My wife, Veronika and I, and our children, all felt the same way - we wanted to make washing our hands a pleasure instead of an obligation.
That’s why I decided to develop a different product, just for the family, right there in our own kitchen, using just a few ingredients and some fragrances I liked. And then I gave some to our friends. And everyone loved it.
We had no reason to keep it to ourselves, so I contacted some natural cosmetics experts, to see if we could find the perfect solution - one that was sure to please everyone. Yet one that would still be good for the skin, the senses and the environment.
« If you can’t find what you’re looking for on the market, you just have to make it yourself! »
JC Gramont, founder